The Bronx is Reading

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BXBF Authors Answer — Katie Zhao

The authors and panelists of the Bronx Book Festival responded to personal questions about their lives, the writing process, and current literary inspirations. To see their panels and hear more about their books, RSVP for the Bronx Book Festival below.



Why did you become an author?

I've always loved reading, and writing came naturally to me from a young age. I seriously dedicated myself to becoming an author after seeing how few Asian American stories had been published.

What are you reading right now?

I'm currently on a superhero kick, and I'm reading Miles Morales: Spider-Man by Jason Reynolds as well as Side-Kicked by John David Anderson.

Have you ever been to the Bronx? If so, what's a favorite memory you have? If not, what do you know or think about the Bronx?

I haven't been to the Bronx, but I've heard a lot of celebrities live there!

 What is a quote you live by?

Talent is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.